Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yummy burp...

So today was really really fun! We got to go to Utrecht and see a friend we met a while back.,.. We are soul sisters I' m sure!!! Hehehe! We met at the Ben Folds concert back in June... Her name is Lise and she is totally cool! I was so bummed we didn't hang out before.. Cause she is really so cool!
While in Utrecht we shopped! I of course won the competition that I made up... Of who can find the best deal.. I made it up after I found a SUPER cute pair of skinny jeans for only 5 euro! And through out the day no one else found a better deal! Hahaha! I also got a grey shirt for 12.50! I did pretty good! So tomorrow when we hopefully got to the Van Gogh museum I will have a new outfit to wear.. Because I decided to just stay the night at Tess's... So yeah! I since I have a extra pair of undies at her place.. I 'm good to go!!!
Yeah also Lise loaded up Tess and mines ipods.. which were wiped clean.. with an additional 600 or so songs! I took some pictures of the day... But I will post those for you on Sunday or Monday.... We ate lunch at the place... Ummm... La Place... hehehehe! It was super yummy! I had my first bit of Dutch pea soup! It was super yummy!!!! like times 3!!!! And Tess and I shared this delicious cream cheese sandwich! It was really cool because it was on the top of this store.... Like 5 6 stories up... It was like we were on top of the city! And the view was really cool of the top of the city and buildings!
Well... I should be getting to sleep... Don't you think it is so nice that Tess is letting me use her computer... Even though we are in competition... and she could have said no! It is also nice that she is going to apparently sleep on the floor.. and let me sleep in her bed because we have just discovered we are one mattress short!!!! So yeah! Awesome!!! More bloggage to come!!!!


Laura said...

I am so jealous of the Van Gogh museum! And what's with you getting skinny jeans!? You were always giving me crap about wearing skinny jeans!!! You should give them to me!

anxtpill said...

Haha OF course I would sleep on the floor and let you blog on my computer... Then people will realize that I am the better person and comment MORE on my blog! hahah That means you to Laura!!! haha

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have a wonderful friend like Tess. Love you! Mom