Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Deel twee van de Stijl van de dankzegging Nederlands!!!

So Sunday started off at around 10 am... We went in the house to find that Sinter Klaas did indeed come with Swarte Peite (Black Pete) and he left Tess an present in her shoe!!! A nice little "T" for Tess! Very nice of the guys to think of Tess... Apparently they dropped off a present for me at Martine's parents house.. But that's another story I suppose!

After the Gift fun we got straight to work! I needed to get to work on the dough for the rolls... Since they have to rise all day... I made my mom's recipe... well I halved it... Lisa wanted to help and I figured that would be fun! Oh Lisa is one of the kids in Tess's family...We made the dough and let it rise! She did a great job helping!

While we did this Tess made some glazed pecans! They were soooo good! And I don't even like pecans!!! I will have to make them sometime! Myriam enjoyed them as well!!

After that Lisa and I made some hats for the kids to wear so they could look like Indians! Beaudine also helped! Such fun!

So at well... Noon... but actually 1245 we scurried out of the kitchen to let the man of the house, Nils, take over.. He was in charge of the Turkey... Oh yes.. I must add.. THE^60... yes SIXTY EURO turkey!!! Yeah they don't really have them here.. so that's like a 80 dollar turkey... at about 7 pounds... yeah! Find the real turkey on the picture....

So Tess and I took a little break and I being the perfect soon to be house wife that I am... and total daughter of my mother.. I thought! Hey lets make some center pieces for the table with some items from the nature outside... While we did this is snowed a bit....

They turned out so cute! I found a tin of dry leaves... and picked some moss off a tree! Then we went hunting by the road for pine cones.. Found a holly tree in the yard.. and Tess found some nice flower things in the yard... Not to mention the sticks... one was a little too sporeie for our taste!

So we took the next couple hours easy... Myriam Practiced here guitar which was really nice.. the younger kids watch Tv... Nils.. was Nils and doing something manly... and Tess, Lisa and I played Phase 10... Cause it just wouldn't be the Holidays without Phase 10!

It continued to snow...

At about 315 I made rolls with the dough and let it rise...

Martine and the kids arrived at around 430 and the dance began! I made the deviled eggs.. I had to wait because Martine had the american mustard... nessasary for good eggs... The Turkey cooked!

And somehow after the wine was poured teh Adults ended up talking at the kids table!

My rolls came out picture perfect! And Nils made a VERY tasty gravy for us!

Then teh eating commenced! The Turkey was pre stuffed.. not like our turkey's though... it was packed SOLID with soem sort of meat... it was ok tasting.. but not so tasty as our stuffing!!! The food was so good and I loved every bite of it!!!!

After Dinner we got a little silly I have no clue why! But I started posing infront of the fire place.... Tess has some sillier pics of it!

Then it was time for some more Phase 10! And Pie!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah.. the lemon pie.. It was no good.. it had a great taste! But it was so runny! it was more like a pudding then a jello.. yeah.. not so good.. But EVRYTHING else was so great!!!!

So a little before 8 we started to get ready to leave.. and all day it snowed so theere was loads of snow on the ground by then!

So yeah... Thats it! Not too much happened and it all went really great! I am sad I coudln't spend it with my family at home.. But I really did enjoy it! And I hope everyone elses day goes as well as ours did! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!