Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!!!!!

Happy New years everyone! Today was nice... Just got hang out a bit at the house.. Martine had some friends over.. That was nice as I said... NOw I am at Tess's house and we are going to the melkweg for the New Years Eve celebration.. IT should be fun.. I have never been to a big party like this before! The concert hall is sold out! So yeah!!!!
Also an interesting story... Got to have a homeless man sit by me on the train... He has lived in the Schipol Airport for the last 10 years... I told him that since it was voted as a top airport of teh world he picked a nice one.. He also said that he would never dumpster dive.. But at Schipol teh stuff he finds is so nice.. That he doesn't mind... After a few minutes of.. Fear.. and curious chatter.. The conductor came and kicked him off.. It's cold out there.. So I feel a bit bad for him... Good luck young guy!!! OK well now I need to call my mom and get ready for the night!!! Oh! Its gonna be a long one!!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad you were not mugged, or raped, by the hobo.