Friday, December 19, 2008

Lame.. I know... Dog Blog!

Now I can never ever EVER claim to love dogs as much as my friend Heather.. But man oh man I really do love dogs!!! And today I got the chance to go to Martine's sister, Lise's, house... And she just got a new puppy this week... She is so pretty! She is I guess some type of dutch sheep dog.. But she is quite small.. and they said she wont get too much bigger.. I want one! Hehehe!

This is Modder!!!

Modder means "Mud" in Dutch... So cute! Oh she was so sweet!!!!

She was running out from under the Christmas tree.. She knows better than that! In the next pic.. She kept whimpering to get out to pee or something... But she just wanted to play instead.. So Lise and Anton tried to trap her in to pee.. Finally after we all went inside Anton got her to pee! Hehehe!

Yeah it was really fun as I said.. And I had fun taking pictures of her.. and as always I enjoyed seeing Lise.. She is always so nice to me.. And I'm not just writing that because of the possibility that she might read this.. But because its true.. As I have written before! Hehehe!

Well we had a lot of fun playing with Modder.. She is only like 9 weeks old.. So she likes to chew on you! Sh instantly took a liking to me.. Since I let her chew on my shoe laces and bite my hands.. But she does have kinda sharp teeth.. So Thijs and Jet we a bit scared of her.. But by the end of the hour we had her pretty well worn out... So she started to fall asleep.. Yeah I know its lame.. like I said.. I have a whole blog on this dog.. But she is so stinkin cute!

Awe she is so cute.. how can you not love that face!Unlike babies though... Puppies are always cute!!!! Heheheh! Except for the rat ones...

So moving on past the dog.. it will be difficult.. But I will try to move on...

Thijs got a toy tool table from Sinter Klaas.. We have been waiting to put it together till everything was done... so we finally got to put it together today.. it is really cool! And its held together with toy screws and stuff. Though it is quite stable.. But its just so cool cause Thijs could really really help put it together!!! He had so much fun! And he was very serious about it all too!

He and Martine worked hard to get it all put together.. I of course was there to take pictures!!! I even used her video camera so she could have some of it! Once it was all done.. Thijs put on his work goggles and got to work... This is my favorite picture of the bunch!!!!

He is so tough!!!! I love this lil kid! Hehehe!!!!

Oh yes and in other news.. The construction workers are gone.. Now of course its not all done.. We still have to get the electrician... And apparently the shower parts were broken of something.. So Martine had to get new ones.. And so now they have to wait until Monday to install it... And the stucco guys have to come on Monday as well to spray the upstairs.. But aside from all that... Its pretty much done! It really is nice to have the house back to ourselves!!! We have all, especially the last couple weeks, been feeling the stress of it all! So its nice to be done!!! Yippie!!!

And to leave you on another happy note.. Modder... Winking!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok, ok... This is sweet... And Tess missed a day... Hahahaha!!! I love dogs... My parents are looking for a puppy... Cant wait to get one!!

Laura said...

Oh, that puppy is so dang cute! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Finally I took a chance to look at your blog. It's funny to read! And mannnnnn, do I have a cute puppy or do I have a cute puppy....???
Modder is indeed een dutch sheepdog and will grow to 45 cm, so she gets bigger... I'll send you a picture of her then (of the end result..), okay?
See you at christmas, I am looking forward to it and so does Modder!

Tessalulale said...

Ah man you are kicking my butt on comments already! hehe Modders eyes are SOO blue! She is WAY cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Oreo and Lady Bird say "Hi" and can't wait to see you.Mom