Wednesday, December 10, 2008

By the sea by the sea by the beautiful sea!

So Saturday we went to the sea! Yes we did! Anel wanted to swim so I was like! Heck yes lets go! So the day started out normal enough.. I missed my bus... met the girls later.. but I didn't miss the second bus I had to take so that was good... Then we rode to Den Haag... to... Scheveningen! It was such fun! When we got there it was already a very cold afternoon... We took the tram straight to the beach.. and bam! We were there!!!!
Yeah we kinda chickened out in the end and didn't swim.. Well! I really would have... but Anel chickened out.. and I didn't want to be miserable all by myself! So I just ran in the water with her.. We took so many pictures!!!! And spent like an hour on the beach... Then we walked around the boardwalk and checked out some stuff... had some tea I brought... And then that was it... we went home.. haha! It was already getting dark at like 4.. so yeah... Plus! I made some homemade chicken noodle soup and it was calling us home! On the way back to the tram! This fight broke out! IT was so funny!!!! It was like this old man in his 60's and like this young guy in his 30's it was so funny! And they really were throwing punches and once they were pulled apart from the ladies of the group, they continued and tried to kick each other! IT was so funny! really! and we had no idea what was happening to make things better!
When we got home... We had our soup with bread.. then played a game of Phase Ten... At around 10 we were bored.. So we went for a walk to the cool play stuff outside... since I won I got to pick what we did after phase ten.. and that's what I picked! We had a lot of fun and took loads more pics! The whole day was pretty dang fun! haha!So I hope you enjoy the pics!!! They are below in a photo bucket slide show!

1 comment:

Tessalulale said...

Hahahaaa ahhh the old men fighting.....TMHBL