Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So it's been so foggy today! Last night as Martine and I put up the decorations I saw the fog slowly start rollin in... And then this morning you could hardly see... With all the fog out! It's so crazy! I've not seen anything like this the whole year! Hollands got some CRAZY weather! And I know its lame to write about the weather... But believe me! When you''re on a bike as much as Tess and I are.. The weather starts to get interesting!!! I've almost met my goal of watching all of the friends series.. I'm now onto the second disc of the tenth season... I'm quite proud! And I hope I really can make it! I need to do some seriously slacking! And stop all this working nonsense! I'll do my best I suppose.. That's all one can do! Yeah.. nothing to say! Wait! Jet did the funniest thing today... I video taped it.. lets see if I can post it.... Yay! It seems to have worked! Its so funny! At least to me it is!!!!

1 comment:

Tessalulale said...

Ahahaaaaaa "Escuse Me!" lol Becky had to tell me what she was saying! OMG sooo funny Becky!!!