Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh by gosh by golly! Its time for mistletoe and holly!

Awe Good ole Franky... I've been listening to my Christmas music my mom emailed me non-stop the last 3 days... I don't know if Martine likes it as much as I do.. And it would be nice if I had more than 2 CD's to listen to... But I do enjoy it entirely! My mom tried to send me some of my Bing Crosby Christmas music.. since he is like the best! And when I tried to play it I realised it was labeled.. Cosby.. As in Bill Cosby... And it was the Fat Albert theme song! So not what I wanted! hahaha! But I love her for trying...
Thijs and Jet have been so sweet to me lately... Thijs is trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm leaving soon... Crap I am trying too... And every night he asks me when I am leaving... its really sad for me... I feel like another person he loves... that's leaving him.. So I really think its important that I do my best to stay in his life... I really love the lil guy so much.. I am going to miss him so much! Just writing this and thinking about it is making me tear up a bit... I am a bit emotional today... I bawled my eyes out today at this TV show!!!
And jetje.. Oh man she is so sweet! She makes me laugh so much! I will miss her too... But I really feel that Thijs and I have a very spacial bond.. We just liek to hang out.. And he likes to sit on my lap and watch Tv.. And Jet she likes to sit by herself yah know... But Thijs is a cuddler... Hehehe.
The past couple days when I've gotten up Thijs has said to me "Becky, ja ben hele mooi!" Its so sweet... he's saying.. "Becky you are so pretty!" It's just really so sweet... and if he ever upsets me he feels really really bad about it... We also like to read stories together.... I am amazed by how much he understands.. I brought a bunch of English children's books.. And he loves it when I read to him! Last night we red the book... Well now I can't remember what its called.. But it's bout a peddler who sells hats... And they are stolen by monkeys! Anyway.. Thijs is thinks its so funny... I'm sure my great reading skills has something to do with it.. Thank you radio... But he was saying... "You Monkeys you! You give me back my caps!" Which is a line from the book! And he also says... "Caps for sale! Caps for sale! 50 cents a cap!" He does it so well! He makes me smile! Obviously!
So yeah.. There is my blog to Thijs and Jet... and I shouldn't forget to mention Martine.. I mean.. I really really am gonna miss her! We have so much fun together! And I will miss the Nesspresso! Hehehe... Well yeah.. I love the people in my house... And that's good.. I think thats what makes a house a home...


Laura said...

Oh, they are so cute! I miss them and I only saw them a couple days!

Anonymous said...

Did you get the new stuff I sent. love, Mum