Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas one and all!!!

So today was really a nice Christmas.. I mean it didn't feel totally like Christmas.. But that's only because I'm not with my family.. Doing my family's traditions... Instead we did it the Martine way... Her parents came over this afternoon, we played cards and ate sandwiches.. Phase Ten was of course my family's traditional input.. Oh and I'm getting ahead of myself!
To start the day off.. well after getting dressed and making myself mooi.. I went downstairs and got to work, making a pumpkin pie and I apple raspberry pie.. Thijs helped and it was really quite fun! He really likes to help me cook. Then the parents came over.. Aka.. Opa and Oma.. That's what I call them... I know that probably makes them feel old! But they could very well be! And they are so sweet... So I don't mind having them as my temporary Grandparents...
So we played cards and I learned that Opa Herman likes to cheat.. Just like My Grandpa Chuck! And Oma Bap, likes to call him on it... Just like My Grandma Patsy... It was really fun! Then Lise and Antwan.. Sorry I know I didn't spell that right again.. But yah know there are a few ways to spell it Antwone! Hahaha! Anywho... They came over.. I did some more dancing With Mr. Thijs and Jetje played with Opa as usual!
We had some yummy starters to snack on.. Hummus and bread and meats... brought by Lise.. Then Oma made some REALLY yummy dinner! ORGANIC meatballs.. hehe... A yummy "rolade" aka.. Meat wrapped around herbs... and a nice pasta with veggies and goat cheese... Oh sheesh it was all so good!
The dinner finished off with coffee and pie.. My pumpkin pie was a hit.. and I must say I am so good at making it now! The Apple raspberry was ok.. i'm not such a fan of it.. and it was so sour! But good just the same!
After that I called my family back home... We spoke for 15 minutes or so... But they had just barely started opening the presents... So they were a bit preoccupied.. Which is ok... i got to speak with everyone in my family.. well except Adam.. I'm assuming he was still in bed!
When I was finished with the skype call I was downstairs in time to say goodnight to the family... Oh well not till after they went to look at the pictures of Modder on my blog! It was actually kinda sad to say goodbye to the family.. I really do like them a lot! So I hope I can see them again! I told Martine tonight I feel like I'm part of the family now.. I get hugs and kisses goodbye from everyone! Which is so nice.. Especially when you are away from home for so long.. Some days, like Christmas, you just need some extra hugs..
Well never fear! I took loads of pictures.. Which... I will post up tomorrow! Along with the pics I previously promised! So tune in tomorrow for those!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!


Laura said...

Well I definetly missed you last night and today etc, and I am excited for you to come home! I love you sister!

Tessalulale said...

How funny! See its ok to cheat once in a while...It made you feel at home! hahahaaaa Soo funny...oh and I want some pie! YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

Did you get your package yet? mum