Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's getting so cold here...

So it's startin to get to that time of the year when it's really really cold! Well this time has been fastly approaching on us.. But man oh man the last few days on the bike have been really really bad! I think it's all the wetness in the air... It's like how in the summer... the 70 degree weather is awful! So now.. it's like 35degree's and the moisture in the air is killing me! When I ride my bike my cheeks ache with a sharp freezing sensation... It's really like outrageous! And I hate it! Everything hurts so much! And it's the wind and air that is doing it to me! So for that and some other reasons I am happy to be going home soon.. Not that St George will be so much better... But I wont be on a bike pulling two kids behind me! But I do hope to get a bike soon after I go home... And I want to ride my bike as long as I can... until I get tired.. and then once I'm a bit tired.. .Then I will turn back to go home.. But it wont be such sharp cold pains...
my hands are also cold.. I like to have fresh air in my room... so I keep the window open a crack... But then I get too cold... Oh... while I'm at this complaining thing... There are 3 ways of spelling 2, to and too... If you are saying the number.. its two.... if you are going to some place its to... and last.. and most often confused... If you're describing something as possibly extreme... then you say "woah man! That's too much salsa for me to eat!" oh and its also "me too!" and not "me to." that's like "me to? where? huh?" So yes there is my rant about 2, to and too!
So hmm... I think I'm all ranted out!
I can explain!
wait that's not part of the blog, that movie and you win!
But really....
the Wait is.. I lost all the music from my ipod last week! And I'm especially sad at the time.. Because I also lost all my Christmas music! And I need it to feel like I'm at home.. So.. If you have any good stuff you would like to email me I would really really love that! Especially my Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra stuff (mom and Laura)
Ok that's it for real...


Tessalulale said...

Wow lots of ranting, but funny. Whats the to, too, two rant coming from???

Laura said...

I know how you feel about the bike- minus the kids. It was like that in VA, riding in the wet and cold!! It is painful! I want to get a bike too and we can be a bike gang!

Anonymous said...

Did you see the pictures? We have had snow for a week! We even had a school snow day. luv, Mum