Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

So today we spent the day getting the house ready for Christmas.. And like I mentioned.. Here they don't care so much about Christmas Eve... As they do Christmas Day.. and Second Christmas Day.... Aka... 25th and 26th.... So I was feeling a little bit bummed about it all.. But then at the same time.. It's like.. it's not even Christmas.. So I'm not minding so much.. But then when I talk to my Mom and hear whats happening in the drama called.. A Schnieder Christmas.. It makes me a little homesick.. But like I told Martine... Not that I miss that... I just like to be with my Mom.. Help her not to stress.. and joke about the... sorry to say this.. The stupidity... of some of her family... don't worry I'm nearly positive if you are reading this blog, you are not one of them I am speaking of...
So I got the bathrooms all cleaned.. The upstairs mopped and all of the house vacuumed today... Not so bad.. I also made some CD's with pictures on them.. As well as that Bing Crosby CD burned... Thijs and I had so much fun tonight dancing.. Last night we danced a bit before we went to bed.. And he was so sad when we had to stop.. So I told him we would do it again tonight... So we did.. It was nice.. But he was easily distracted.. I also constructed a card holding rope.. Martine but this super cute colored rope.. and I hung it up and clipped all of her Christmas cards on it.. She honestly got at least 20!!! Everyday more and more!!!!
Oh also.. The upstairs flooring was put in! In a snap! Gruus.. the old man.. He brought some young guy with him today.. And the kids had all the flooring in in like 4 hours!!! Granted it wasn't a big space! But sheesh!... I am so lazy however.. I haven't even gone up to look at it!!! While Gruus was here he put up the wallpaper downstairs.. It looks really nice! So we have all the lights in and the wallpaper up.. And it's startin to look like a real house! Oh yes and not to forget! Martine and I hung the curtains today.. So yeah! It's really starting to shape up!!!
OK... Well I need to go to bed.. quite sleepy... Though Martine is letting me sleep in.. So sweet.
Ok! Merry Christmas! OF Fijn Keerst Dag!!!


Laura said...

I want to see pictures of the completed house!

Tessalulale said...

Oh so fun...The house is changing fast...