Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uh huh!

So yeah... So as life ususally is... not to much to report on... LIfe is just geting back to normal... The family is going out of town this weekend... so I had a nice weekend of relaxing to look forward to... But... Hehehe... I sound so mean! Tess got her appendix removed like... I dunno... 2 or so hours ago... so... My plans have chanegd a bit.... Tomorrow after Martine and the kids leave I'm going to Naarden to help out in Tess's neck of the woods! I get to make some extra money by helping Myrium with the kids this weekend.. Plus I get to go see Tess and help take care of her... Though she will be in the hospital for 3 days.. AndI go home on Sunday... She probably will go home on Sunday... So I can at least help her get settled! So yeah! I'll keep everyone up to date as best I can...
In other news... Tanja for the last family contacted me... She wants me to come and see the kids before I leave... Which I totally want to so sounds lke a good idea.. But in the email she said taht what I did was wrong and such... Which I totally agree that I shouldn't have written all taht bad stuff about her and her family... But i just hope taht my going there wont be so she can have a talk with me about it so she can coem to terms with it or whatever.. cause... I pretty much feel like I'm over it... But whatever...
Also.... So when I go home I will no longer be an au pair speaking Dutch... SO I need a new blogspot... So if you have any ideas of what I might have... Be original... And think about Becky... And leave your suggestions!
Hey I lost 3 lbs last month! NOt so bad for all the crap we ate while on vacation...
I'm also sad about Halloween... They don't do it here.. so I wont do anything for it.... Bummer huh?
OK so I can't really think of anything else to write! So yeah! Love ya!!!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't to anything for Halloween either... Oh, I've never done anything since I was 12 or something..
It's snowed at my place today!!! YEAH SNOW!

Tessalulale said...

Ah yes the appendix girl. THANK yOU for visiting me and cleaning my room and helping with myriam! You are the bestest EVER!!!!!!