Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh happy day! I"m so so so so so excited for tomorrow morning!!!

Yes it’s finally here! Rachael and Laura are, from what I know, on a plane at this moment flying to Holland! I seriously cannot wait! They'll be here tomorrow morning at 1045! And Tess and I get to pick them up at the airport! They'll be here for 3 weeks! And it’s gonna be loads of fun I think!
My birthday is on Friday and they'll be here for that! Ugh I'm gonna be 24.... Somehow I feel like I'm too young to be 24... and too old, being 24, to be who I am right now... You know... Au pairs should be like 18 right? hahaha! Nah I think older is wiser and better! But then I feel like... crap. I'm 24, shouldn't I be married or something? But I am so far away from any of that! haha! So yeah.... Nun bout that! 6 years... I’ll be 30... I think I should just kill myself off before then... hehe...
Sheesh I can't wait! Last night I couldn't sleep I was so excited! But I really need to be a little more productive! It's nearly 9pm and I haven't done half of what I wanted to do today... I need to finish my room... and I wanted to take a shower... hmmm maybe I'll just do that tomorrow.. hmmm hmmm hmmm....
Well... I think I should go... I've been spending the day watching season 3 of Friends... I'm on the last 5 episodes... so I'm gonna watch as I clean and organise... too bad I cant watch in the shower... I think I would shower more if I had a TV in the shower... or if I could read in the shower... I always get too bored. and feel like its wasted time... haha! But TV watching is not!
Well I'll try to keep you updated to the happenings while the girls are here!!!

1 comment:

Tessalulale said...

AHhh now I won't have to feel alone with the "24 and have I done anything worthwile feeling"! hahah Except we have! We are in Europe! hehe Im way excited about the girls. Barely slept last night!