Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do the hustle!!!

Hello Bloggies! So here I am to blog for you... Sorry to the Nils's out there... I have no future plan of killing people... I suppose that's why I don't blog about doing it either.... So yeah... Well so I had a nice week. The kids have been good as gold! So sweet! And Jetje has been doing a really great job of eating.. Man I need to put my slippers on! My feet are freezing! And I hate to get into bed and have cold feet! Cause it takes forever to warm them!
I"m also quite excited! Today Martine cleaned up the upstairs a bit, since they'lll be starting onstruction on the upstairs... where my room will be.. for two weeks... yes they're starting it i think tomorrow... Yeah so that's exciting! But what realy excites me is that she found the other DVD player.. which plays DVD's from teh US zone! So I can finally watch movies in my room... well and my movies from home..Anywho so I'm happy about that! So what movie shall I watch first I really don't know... but I 'll decide soon enough I suppose...
Oh so I finnish reading Pride and Prejudice today! Definetly... Yeha I think my favrite book ever! I mean I usually like the books that I read... But I really love this book so much! I want to read it over and over agian... The BBC 5 hour long version of the movie has been a favorite of mine for years! So I finally read the book.. and I LOVED it!!! So I recomend it to everyone! Girl or boy!
I went to Tess's agaian this weekend.. I went the last 2 weekends to visit her and help out with babysitting for the family.. plus I made soem extra cash... which was much much needed! SInce I've bought my ticket home.. well I will have bougt it on Tuesday! Yeah... I will leave at like noon I think on January 12th... and be home at... well home in Utah... at around 11 that night. I"m really excited! I can't wait to get home and get my life started.. I think I'm ready for it.. but then again I always think that... and as soon as I'realised nothing is happening I decide to change my plans! SO I hope that this time around something will happen! So I can stay on track.. Though I don't have such a structured track.. I hope it will continue going to I dunno... Einhoven... instead of derailing or going back up north to Alkmaar. Yeha anywho...
So I'm pretty happy about the election.. Though I wont lie.. I'm mostly just glad its over and that Obabma won... only so I don't have to hear how stupid Americans are for the next 2 months! hahaha!
So yeah.... Ummmm... I can't think of too much else to say... tess seems to be recovering nicely after her operation....
And I think thats about it for tonight!
Thanks for reading!
Oh and check out this! My new fave show! I'm addicted!

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