Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Home New Blog!

Yeah I know I didn't change my new blog too much... But I wanted a new one just the same...
So yeah! Life is going pretty well... It's Saturday... I didn't have too much of a real day off... But hey who needs those?!? Tomorrow I hope to sleep in and take a trip to the beach with Tess! Here's hopin! Well also I can't complain cause I'll have a few extra days off next week, because the fam is going on a trip with some friends! So I'll have the place to myself... Though I'm sure Martine will be smart and come up with some great deep cleaning for me to do! Haha!
So You guys don't even know how incredibly happy I am right now to have my own computer in my own room! Wow! It's nearly the best thing EVER!!! I think I'm gonna put some music on... I was gonna put my ipod on but I decided that the awesome Simon and Garfunkel CD sounded better... I think I was so right!
So here's a funny story for you!
Or as Missy would say it... "Wanna hear a funny story?!?"
So Thijs is 3... He is seriously so cute! And it's funny, when I first saw him I thought he was such a hansom kid, and whats funny is that that's just what Tess said about him too! So yeah... Any way. Thijs is a very odd kid... in that he hates to poop! Now I know that that in it's self is not odd, but he will hold it in as best he can for like days and days on end! He's pooped like twice since I've been here and I can tell Martine is getting REALLY sick of it! Cause he cries and whines and pouts, all day, cause he has to poop and he doesn't want to! She says that it's this strange control thing he has, I can understand be 3, loosing your Dad and having control issues, in that you know you have no control over your life, so He thinks he can control his poop... It's quite a sad thing actually, cause he seriously cries so bad about it, and you just want to help him, but no matter how great you tell him pooping is, he wont do it... So this week we have been pumping the kid with prune juice and anything we can think of to make him HAVE TO go! And he is still strong, but thank goodness... Today after dinner his bloated belly couldn't take it anymore... and he pooped! YES HE POOPED!!! We were so happy for him!!! So Martine and I just praised him and told him he was such a good boy and so big! We're hoping that if we ignore the not pooping and praise the pooping, he might just stop this! Let's all hope for that!
So yeah... that's my sadly funny story for you!
Well if you all have any questions for me just let me know! Oh! And the other family I was with has found a new Au Pair... She starts on Tuesday... I'm sure I wont hear a peep if things go no so great... But oh well... I'm through with bashing them... They're outta my life.... But I think martine might have started a new catch phrase.... "That was so a Tanja!" Man oh man! I think Martine is so great!


Beckysue.sweet said...

Rachael aren't you proud that I figured out how to set up my new page all on my own!?! Do you like it?

rachael said...

i am indeed!!! hooray! i think the page looks top notch!! and im glad things are looking up!

new pages-
new family-

hmm- anything else new?


good luck with the poopin/non-pooping kid!

how do i pronounce his name??

i would say it like this...
let me know- im curious!

Laura said...

Yay! I'm so happy!

Beckysue.sweet said...

Thijs is pronounced Tice like dice... And Jet is pronounced Yet. LIke not yet...

Kelsie Ann said...

YAY!!! I'm very happy for you!
I'm also very glad you get to blog more!

Tessalulale said...

Wahhhooo Here is my real, not imagined comment! I am way happy you have a new blog! It was fun at your house yesterday! Sorry I was so talkitive and outta control antsy one minute and stuck in my book the next! Have a great week!

rachael said...

thanks for the grammar lesson! loves!