Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My armpit hairs are long enough to braid! I think I''m so Euro now!

Well I've found that is mostly a myth... or at least an old european thing... Though I do feel much left concientatous about going out of the house with hairy legs... But thats not the point of my blog... Just an OH MY GOSH! Thought... I've been a very bad au pair this week! To start with I didnt get everything done that I was supposed to this weekend... I enjoyed the laying around part a little too much... And the spent ALL day Staurday with the Norwegians in Amsterdam... Hmm how do you figure that? Well you see, Tess's sister in-law... the lovely Tamsin, had some friends from back home, in Norway, who wanted to come for the weekend, and stay with Tess... So we got to play tour guides! It was so fun! The girls were so sweet! Annika was the friend of Tamsin, she was such a hoot! Then she brought her friend Kari, who was the sweetest girl ever! And loads of fun!
Friday night I went to pick the girls up at the airport, it's only like one stop away from my house... after the 20 minute bus ride... So it's pretty easy to get there... Tess thought that it might be kinda fun to make a sign that says their names... since we never met them,... and Tess had to work... So I bought a huge neon pink poster board and a bouquet of yellow Tulips, so Dutch, and met them at the station. Well cute fstory. On the way to the station I hopped a bus... The guy didnt charge me. I asked why and he explained to me that the bus company just spent all this money on these new things to use for paying on the bus... Wekll they dont work... So they've been having to use the old stamp method... See if this makes sense... so they've got all these new busses now and not enough stamps for the busses... In fatc they're about 200 stamps short... So while they work out the new system, which should be dont by January 2009, they're just letting people take free rides it the driver doesnt have a stamp... ok...Anywho. So while the driver explained this we just started chatting and I told him I was going to Schipol... So when we got to the train station, he said he'd just drive me to the airport. Cause he was off and that's where he had to drop the bus off... So it was really nice! And I got there wuicker than if I would have taken the train!
So I was glad he drove me especially cause I was late to pick the girls up! But I quickly got where I needed to be, and stood with my flowers and poster... And stood... And stood... Then I heard overhead, Norwergian seeking Ms Becky."Please coem to the info booth" Haha!!! So funny!!! So I wnet to the booth and found them, it was such a funny thing!
So then we got to Tess's house where we all crammed on the two twin mattresses that Tess had. It was cozy!
The next morning we took off to Amsterdam! TO find the organic food market in Joordaan. Which Tess and I have been to and it's just across from the Anne Frank House! We got loads of yummy... and not so yummy food! That night... it ws not so yummy coming out! Haha! Anywho! I got this oh so delicous Tomatoe Tempanade! OMG! I cuold have died it was so good!
Then we spent hours and hours shopping! I wnet home late and make myself some Shorama with organic meat! HAhaha! It was so good!
Then The family came home on Sunday. It was nice to see them! Thijs was so happy to see me! He's decided I'm his best friend! I'm happy about that! Last night when I was getting him to bed, he decided he wanted me to read him his bedtime story, not his mama... But once I said goodnight he realised he really did want his mama! This morning I was getting him to the bathroom, and he had a dry diaper! I said :Oh you're such a big boy!" He said "Nee Ik ben a REALLY Big Boy!" It was so good! He said "Really" not another dutch word. So he recoginzes another English word!
Sheesh I havvent even gotten to why I'm such a bad au apair... and I need to go! Plus this is too long alrweady! Well I'll blog later tonight, or tomorrow...

Ok Loves you all!


Tessalulale said...

I can't get past the armpit hairs part! G-ROSE! Haha For everyone else...In short...Becky had lunch with us on monday and got back too late for picking up the kids and didn't finish grocery shopping!!! EEK STRESSFUL! SORRY BECKY! Hope its all better now!

Tamsin said...

Please don't braid your armpit hairs! :(