Friday, November 14, 2008

Storms a brewing! Ipod Stat!!!

I'm making a valiant effort to, whenever possible, not take my xanax.. Now I know it's always possible... But some days or sometimes.. I'm doing things which do not allow me to relax on my own... I can't seem to find the time to relax yah know.. then I get all stressed out and freak out... So... I have been trying to stop taking... Cause.. yeah I like the chill feel... But... I mean I don't really like it... And I'd like to quit my anxiety meds all together.. But That's not gonna happen for a little while till I'm in a place where I can do that yah know.... It makes me forgetful I think... and if I go two days without it I go through withdraws... But I really hate it when people who need meds are too umm.. proud to take them... They think they can cope without them...Some people can.. And some people are way over medicated... But for me it's not at all that I think... I don't want to be a crazy person on pills! I just have been evaluating myself yah know... and I notice that tarts different... yeah... I"m so forgetful.. and That's something these type of pills do.. So yeah again....
So! Tess and I just spent like 45 mins trying to figure out why my Blogger's spell check doesn't work... Finally figured out what was wrong! The spell check was set to Dutch automatically... Cause the main page auto loaded to the dutch page.. so yeah.. I dunno if that makes sense,..... but if I can't figure out whats wrong again.. that's it! Memo to self! Or Blog to self I suppose!!!!
So anywho... See it's things like that, that distract me and my stress... So with the combo of that lame distraction task... and Motion City Soundtrack... I feel loads better!
So yeah. My brain and my life are too overwhelming some days.. not my life here... its great.. its like a non- life life... but my life in 2 months.. that's too much to think for my brain mostly... Less than 2 months.. January 12th.. it's well.. one minute past the 14th.. making it the 15th... if that makes sense.. so less than two months... I can't wait to see everyone. I just think I'm going home to a whole HELL of a lot worse country and state of life then I left. But W.E. Oh that means Whatever.. I always wanna say that but since it spells yah know we.. as in you and I... It doesn't always work so I refrain.. But now I have announced it to the world... So I'm gonna always say it from here on out! Live with it!
Ummm... oh! I remember I wanted to blog and share the weather here! So this week I was riding back home with the kids.. and since its daylight savings its getting REALLY REALLY dark early! Anywho! So it's also been stormy.. hence the blog title.. Yeah so I was riding home with the kids.. and its getting dark.. And the wind is blowing so so hard! and I was getting tired so I stopped for a min to take a breather yah know... and the wind literally blew the bike with my feet on the pedals and the kids little trailer... backwards!!! Crazy huh? The wind was that strong! So I had to get off the bike and walk! The kids were all yelling and screaming it was really funny! They were just being so silly!!!!!!! Yeah.. so it's been really windy! But it's that wind that's helped me loose... umm.... 43-44 lbs.. so I can't really complain! I love the pain! The pain loves me!!!!!
Well I have comfirmed that my mental xanax has mellowed my brain out... Or the no nap day. and midnight has done it to me. Well I hope you enjoyed my spell checked blog of ramblings! Well mostly spell checked... ;)

1 comment:

Tessalulale said...

Wahoo for spell check being fixed! It only took us MONTHS to figure it out for you!