Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh yeah!!!!

On a happier note! I seriously can not wait until laura and Rachael come next month! It's exactly a month away!!!! I'm so excited!!! We're going to London and Paris while they're here! And Tess and Rachael have planned something super special fro my birthday! I'm excited! I don't knwo what it is.... but it should be fun! Oh yeah... reservations... don''t forget my sis! Hehe! That's all peace!!!!! Oh wait!
Also if you know anyone you think would like to come to Holland to be an au pair in my place let them know... and let me know! January is coming too soon!!!!


Tessalulale said...

Yes January is coming fast...and of course we wouldn't forget your sister in the b-day plans! on it gal

Laura said...

I'm so excited too!!! Wait, what am I not supposed to forget?