Saturday, August 30, 2008

Photo shoot pics! Sorry it tookso long! And as usual sorry it is so long!!!!


Tessalulale said...

Ok there are tons that I like! Hehe I guess thats because I was there 29,30,82,36 (love the pose and face)! Cody likes #78! I Think that I about died with the tiger crawling one! I totally forgot about that!

Beckysue.sweet said...

So I think it's really funny... I went from 33 to 36... hahaha you can tell I was tired so I quit haha!!!!

Unknown said...

OK, so I'm really late checking the pictures out but I think I like the funnier ones (i.e. 68, 81) along with many more.

The Wiley's said...

My favorites are the ones with the umbrella and the mill in the background- love the props- aka the gate/bars/tombstones. ALways the creative one!