Sunday, July 6, 2008

Well Done...

So this week was as usual and uneventful one... I mean we did do stuff... so that was good...
Thursday I had the kids at home alone... Which I have gotten to really like... It's so strange to me how I can handle being at home and watching these kids all day... I suppose it does help that it's usually only once or twice a week that that happens... But I really don't get to tired of them... and everyday they make me laugh and smile...
And everyday Thijs surprises me with another English word he knows! The other day it was "yesterday" He could just not get enough of saying it... Everything was "Skina skkkina Yesterday" "Skina Skinna" Being his words he uses when he's speaking English.. That's his pretend English! I love it! But I wont lie.. .Some days it does drive me crazy cause if he would speak Dutch I'd have an easier time figuring out what he was saying! Haha! But just the same it's cute!!!
Well Friday we went to the market.. I was quite happy we did.. We usually plan on doing stuff on Friday, that's the day Martine is home too, but we never end up actually doing anything... And I really do like it when we go out and go shopping... Well when we were going to the market, which is at the main shopping center, MArtine decided to park by her old house, which is just done the street from the center. So we parked there went shopping and when we came back we ran into some old neighbors, which was really nice for them all. They invited us in for coffee and so we visited with them for nearly 2 hours I think... It was nice... I like to meet new people and to socialize with them...
Yesterday was Saturday and even though I"ve been sick and trying to get over it all I agreed to go to Amsterdam and go shopping with Tess... She needed to buy some shorts for her trip next week to the South of France... So we met at Schipol and got some Starbucks... so yummy! An went on our way! We shopped all day! We were so tired by the end of the day! I bought a new sweatshirt, some nose spray, body wash, a tin of mints and an umbrella... We had some dinner at our favorite Shorama spot in Amsterdam... We go there at least once a month! HAha! And for once it wasn't me who was really wanting it! It was Tess! But I so enjoyed it just the same! Rachael when you come you must go there too! You'll enjoy it I am sure!
After eating we went to the theater around the corner from the restaurant and saw the new Chronicles of Narnia film! IT was really good!
After the movie we headed to the train station... I missed my train by 2 minutes so I made Tess come down and wait with me... Then I found out I could get another train in like 5 mins... SO I made her run back up to the train... She missed it by seconds... So I had to wait with her.. haha.. It was funny... So I enjoyed my donut and she enjoyed her Oreo's...
All in all it was a great weekend.. Today I feel like a bit of Crap however... so I have decided to hide away in my room and read Harry Potter... it's 3 and about an hour ago I went downstairs for the first time to eat! I love being lazy! So yeah... There you have it! I"m now gonna go read some more Potter!!!

1 comment:

Tessalulale said...

Sorry if you weren't excited to go at first with me. Though, I am GLAD you let me drag you around all day! fun stuff!