So I had a very nice weekend... V nice! The fam was gone and I had the house to myself.. adn that is always nice... I love them so.. but it is nice to feel like you have free roam of the house... and if I want to relax I don't have to lock myself away in my room all day... Which I wont lie... I do so love! But since I dont have a DVD player.. or proper cable... I dont love it always... I get too bored... So this weekend... I took up adventures of Tv hopping! Friday I took to watching the BBC... as there was v little else on... But I do enjoy the BBC so it was ok... I found this show.. a kids show.. called Hedz! Can I just tell you how funny this show is! So funny! They take people and they put these giant celebrity prints on them as their heads and... it's just so funny! Youshould watch the clip.. the one I found on wasn't so funny... but they're so funny... I'll find you another funny one! Let see... Here's one with Govenor Arnold and one with the Queen and Robbie Williams and Lewis Hamilton and Sharon Osborne and what is a celebrity spoof without Paris Hilton! So yeah I hope you guys enjoy those.. I just died laughing when I was watching that show... I think I was bored... Anywho!
So then I did soem internetting... Called my cousin Becky G... Had a nice lil chat... Then went to sleep... I dunno when... quite late though... and woke up the next morning... quite late.. .I think I woke up at 1130!~ So nice! Then I traveled to the City Centrum... And did... a whole lot of nothing... But I did covet over some super cute Jacket at M&S! Awe... I want them! Then I shopped a bit at Albert Heijn... And came home for the rest of the evening... I watched Friends.. I decided to start at the first season.. Since Martine has all 10 seasons.. I thought what better place to start! I was again thrown into some pretty hysterical laughing fits! So TMHBL!!!!
Then I went to bed and wait... I suppose on Friday I spoke to my friend Edward.. But also Becky G... huh anyway! Yeah... Edward is my new friend from England... And we talked on Skype the other night... Last night... I spoke with my sister and mother on Skype till the wee hours of the morning...
Today... was much as last night... I slept in... then I cleaned up the house and watched some more Friends... I"ve almost finished the 1st season! It's so funny!!!!! And yeah.. that's about it for my weekend... aren't you so glad you took the time to read this blog... I know I would be!
Éveryday I get more and more excited for Rachael and Laura to come! I so can't wait! I'm also quite excited to go back to Paris and Disney again! And To go to London for the first time! It's always been a dream of mine to go to London! Plus I'm excited to meet my friend Edward! We're doing lunch somewhere at Harrods! So that should be fun!
I can't wait to share with some people I love what I've been doing for this whole year! I so can't wait!!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oh yeah!!!!
On a happier note! I seriously can not wait until laura and Rachael come next month! It's exactly a month away!!!! I'm so excited!!! We're going to London and Paris while they're here! And Tess and Rachael have planned something super special fro my birthday! I'm excited! I don't knwo what it is.... but it should be fun! Oh yeah... reservations... don''t forget my sis! Hehe! That's all peace!!!!! Oh wait!
Also if you know anyone you think would like to come to Holland to be an au pair in my place let them know... and let me know! January is coming too soon!!!!
Also if you know anyone you think would like to come to Holland to be an au pair in my place let them know... and let me know! January is coming too soon!!!!
Dumb Dutch... I suppose Dumb Humans...
So everyday I loose faith in humanity... I suppose.. well not so much... I think I have so much faith in it... that I cannot undertsnad why people do the terribly dumb things that they do... I want to trust everyone... and I can't understand why? Why the world is as it is!
Here in Holland the people live relativly great lives... Not a lot of poverty... the most low income people, are like the lower middle class of America... People just find reasons to do bad things... I don't know if this is making sense.. whatever... So all the bad asses in holland... well if you saw them you'd just laugh your ass off at them... as I often do! You have the pre pube boys running around with gelled back mullets... yes mullets... and leather jackets and such... It's so rediculous!I saw this kid in the store the other day who was obviously the dorkiest kid you've ever seen... His gelled back curly hair... snaggletoothed and all... with him leather jacket with Dolche and Gabbana written across it! I just couldn't help but chuckle a bit! But the sad thing is that these retarded children... who've had nothing bad ever happen to them... except maybe dad only gave him 25 euro's for allowance last week isntead of his usual 50, because he wouldn't do his chores... they are out on the streets getting in to fights... For example... last week... a nine year old was robbed of his 10 euros in the shopping center next to us... Theses teenagers pulled a knife out on him! I mean how much did they expect to get off a nine year old??? Just so stupid! And the area we live in... I bet no one makes under I'd say $70,000 a year! It's so stupid... they aren't prodects of bad upbringing's... or the need to do so to surrivive... no... They're just dumbass bored kids! I think it's so stupid! I mean... I know I don't know they're live stories.. but... come on! St. George has more poverty than the whole of Holland! So that's my rant of the stupid teenages.. I guess you find that anywhere... But I suppose I accept it of people in the Hood cause thats what you gotta do to survive... and they have poor upbringings and whatever... but these are kids with great lives comparably! So yeah... it's dumb!
Then my other thing,.... I hate how we're destroying the world.. some people... average peole like us... we realise it... but we dont know what to do about it... so we do little things to help... I mean I want to do all I can do! Yeah... more rambling thoughts... but anyway! So yeah this whole taking the polar bears off the endangered speices list! It's so greedy and dumb! I believe that the people who are fighting to tak ethem off, they know taht they are endangered... but because of greed for oil they don't care... And are thus willing to see a speicies die... for oil... for money... Sure... Polar bears probably aren't essential to the earth's movement.. but it's just like... when we know we can stop something... but we still go against what we know... for greed and money... I dunno.. it's just so imhumane... which is such and interesting thing to say... Inhumane... because we humans are the only creatures who do inhumane things... thus making this action... only human... it's a human like behavior... yeah anyway! I just hadthis rant in my head that I needed to share.. sorry if it makes no sense... sorry if you disagree... and sorry if I bored you outta your mind!
Here in Holland the people live relativly great lives... Not a lot of poverty... the most low income people, are like the lower middle class of America... People just find reasons to do bad things... I don't know if this is making sense.. whatever... So all the bad asses in holland... well if you saw them you'd just laugh your ass off at them... as I often do! You have the pre pube boys running around with gelled back mullets... yes mullets... and leather jackets and such... It's so rediculous!I saw this kid in the store the other day who was obviously the dorkiest kid you've ever seen... His gelled back curly hair... snaggletoothed and all... with him leather jacket with Dolche and Gabbana written across it! I just couldn't help but chuckle a bit! But the sad thing is that these retarded children... who've had nothing bad ever happen to them... except maybe dad only gave him 25 euro's for allowance last week isntead of his usual 50, because he wouldn't do his chores... they are out on the streets getting in to fights... For example... last week... a nine year old was robbed of his 10 euros in the shopping center next to us... Theses teenagers pulled a knife out on him! I mean how much did they expect to get off a nine year old??? Just so stupid! And the area we live in... I bet no one makes under I'd say $70,000 a year! It's so stupid... they aren't prodects of bad upbringing's... or the need to do so to surrivive... no... They're just dumbass bored kids! I think it's so stupid! I mean... I know I don't know they're live stories.. but... come on! St. George has more poverty than the whole of Holland! So that's my rant of the stupid teenages.. I guess you find that anywhere... But I suppose I accept it of people in the Hood cause thats what you gotta do to survive... and they have poor upbringings and whatever... but these are kids with great lives comparably! So yeah... it's dumb!
Then my other thing,.... I hate how we're destroying the world.. some people... average peole like us... we realise it... but we dont know what to do about it... so we do little things to help... I mean I want to do all I can do! Yeah... more rambling thoughts... but anyway! So yeah this whole taking the polar bears off the endangered speices list! It's so greedy and dumb! I believe that the people who are fighting to tak ethem off, they know taht they are endangered... but because of greed for oil they don't care... And are thus willing to see a speicies die... for oil... for money... Sure... Polar bears probably aren't essential to the earth's movement.. but it's just like... when we know we can stop something... but we still go against what we know... for greed and money... I dunno.. it's just so imhumane... which is such and interesting thing to say... Inhumane... because we humans are the only creatures who do inhumane things... thus making this action... only human... it's a human like behavior... yeah anyway! I just hadthis rant in my head that I needed to share.. sorry if it makes no sense... sorry if you disagree... and sorry if I bored you outta your mind!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Oh I love a night out in Amsterdam!
So yesterday was my only day off this week... and it's been a long long week... so I did my very best to sleep the whole day away... I find it most productive... But 3 rolled around and I had to get out of bed... Martine and her sister were having a BBQ and I was invited! It was very nice... As always with her sister, very nice conversation... I like it when her sister comes over... She's very sweet. Anywho... then Tess text me... She had enough of being in her room for the day... I dunno why... I can stay in my room allllllll day... and not have a second thought about it! Anyway... So Albert Heijn, our favourite grocery store, ahs these 2-4-1 movie tickets that they're giving away as promotion... So Tess thought it a great idea to have her take me to the movies! I'm always game for the movies! So once I finished eating I hopped on the bike and flew to the train station! I mean like I literally flew! My slow time is 30 mins... my average time when I'm pushin it is 25... My time... cramps, just having eatin and all, 21! So yeah that was pretty good! So anyway! I didn't have money to buy a ticket... so I just ran straight up to the train.... and missed it... by a min... Well I got to sit and wait for the next train to come in 10 minutes, while a couple made out in front of me... I hate that! Hot guy making out with hot girl! Yuck! Slurp slurp! Yuck!
Well once my train came... I realised that... (A) I should try to avoid the conductor, having no ticket... and (B) I needed to go to the bathroom... so where better to hide than the WC! I was in there for a second... and it smelled so bad... as they always do! But I was a desperate girl! I needed to hide, and go... So I sat down... the breeze rushing through my butt crack... on the train you pull a lever... and the poop just goes out onto the tracks... yeah nice huh? So the toilet is always a bit breezy for you... it's an odd and kinda nice sensation.. anyway! So, well to forewarn you all... I have no shame.. we all poop... so I am about to talk more about pooping on the train... I mean not that much more... so if you don't want to read it... skip to the next paragraph, as I skip to the lou.... Anywho! So I was sitting there on the rocking train... I realised I hadn't... gone... for the day... and all that food and bike riding... got stuff moving... so I thought... what the heck I'm stuck on here anyway! But pooping on a train is a lot harder than you think... no it's not the small space.. Though feeling slightly nauseated and claustrophobic doesn't help... It's the seats just two feet away from your throne.. When I sat down... it wasn't so bad.. nobody was there... But by the next stop that changed... so I could hear, someone whistling... people giggling... and then the bustle of people getting on and off the train... I must tell you! It is really hard to perform under such pressure! Like really hard! So after 3 of my 5 stops... I managed to do my business... I usually enjoy the relief of it all leaving my body... but I so did not enjoy that! When I walked out, the laughing couple who... probably didn’t know I was in there, since I had been in there since before they got on... and they had been on for like 10 minutes... looked awkwardly at me... and I felt even more awkward then they could have ever felt! I exited the car stage left and entered into a new car... one that didn't know I had just spent the last 20 minutes hiding out slash doing my business in the tiny WC!
I met up with Tess in our usual spot in the station, at the Pain Bread shop.... Yes Pain... funny huh? We then went to the usual theater... and as usual... we got there at a most inconvient time... and nothing we really wanted to see would be playing for another hour... or had just started... But I being the dorky girl I am... and in need of some just dumb joy! Suggested we see Wild Child and then... it would be done with enough time to hop over to theater 1 for some Steve Carrel and... What’s that movie called... oh it was so good! Oh! Get Smart! Anyway! So that's what we did! Which don't fret! This is a usual routine for us... or I suppose... fret! This is a usual routine for us! But the tickets cost $15 and the theater is like a 15 theater cinema... so it's so easy to do! The movies were both so great! And we couldn’t have timed it any better! Once the credits began to roll on Wild Child we hopped over to theater 1... and Get Smart was just starting! Thank goodness the movies always start late here! Always!
So after the movie... we went to McDonalds to get some fries and a drink... well originally we were gonna get some ice cream... but then we decided against it...and just went for soda's and fries.... Well we ordered and the guy taking our order was a total douche! I asked him for a bag for the fries... and he gave us this giant bag then proceeded to put our drinks in a bag as well! And he wasn't just being helpful he was being a bit of a douche.. Well he gave us our stuff... then started to talk to the guy next to him... Tess had her money out.. and he didn’t take it... so we both just looked at each other... and walked out the door... Well he started calling after us... we just kept walking... but then I just had to stop... so we stopped and he was like you didn’t pay... and I was like... oh well I thought you were done with us... Whatever!
So we caught our trains and went home... But by the time I got to the train station.. It was 1230 am and rainy... so I opted for the bus... As I waited for the bus I read my book, yes I have finally started the last Harry Potter book... my emotions of the last book have settled... I've read 2 other books since... so yes I think I can handle it! Yeah so 20 minutes later when the last train rolled up... I was the only one to get on... The bud driver opened the door and said "Geode Naught, levered” which I know is so spelled wrong... but he said "Good Evening Sweetheart" He was a 30 something Moroccan... Which for anyone who's worked at Disney, that's all I need to say... But he was quite nice asked me where I was going.. And let me get on the bus... free of charge! Wahoo! I took a seat and we waited for the 2 minutes till he could leave... no one else got on... During the 2 minutes he asked me about my book... and where I was from... what I was doing here... the usual... then we drove off... Sometimes when I get on the bus like this... I wonder if I would have been safer on the bike! But he really did seem harmless... So anyway.. The whole way he talked to me and asked me questions... I wanted to read my book... but... I didn't really mind talking to him... We picked up a guy.. Who was obviously a bit tipsy... He talked with us a little.. but not much at all... drunk.... Then when it was time for him to get off the bus the bus driver offered to drop him off wherever he wanted... instead of just at the bus stop... so he dropped him off in the middle of the street! haha! My stop was only 2 more stops away... The bus driver said he was a nice guy... and he always liked to drop people off closer to their stops... so said he'd do the same for me... I was glad... cause I hate it... my house in right between the 2 stops... so it's kinda annoying... When I got off he told me I was so beautiful... then he asked to shake my hand.. I let him.. then he asked to kiss my hand.. whatever.. I let him... then he asked for a kiss... I was feeling friendly! What the heck! So I leaned in to give him a nice peck on the cheek! He moved in for a kiss on the mouth! I manoeuvred and missed kissing his lips! haha! I got off the bus... He said he could tell I was such a wonderful person.. blah blah blah... and he asked me to come give him a hug... I giggled sweetly and said no... YEAH RIGHT! I wasn't gonna get back on that bus! He shrugged waved goodbye.. and drove off! As my umbrella broke! haha! I just couldn't help but laugh! It was all so funny! Don't worry! I was ok! Made it to my house ok...and went to sleep! So yeah... there's my really really long blog... you guys haven’t had a good Becky Blog in a while! So I hope you enjoyed it!
I love the strange happenings of Amsterdam!
Well once my train came... I realised that... (A) I should try to avoid the conductor, having no ticket... and (B) I needed to go to the bathroom... so where better to hide than the WC! I was in there for a second... and it smelled so bad... as they always do! But I was a desperate girl! I needed to hide, and go... So I sat down... the breeze rushing through my butt crack... on the train you pull a lever... and the poop just goes out onto the tracks... yeah nice huh? So the toilet is always a bit breezy for you... it's an odd and kinda nice sensation.. anyway! So, well to forewarn you all... I have no shame.. we all poop... so I am about to talk more about pooping on the train... I mean not that much more... so if you don't want to read it... skip to the next paragraph, as I skip to the lou.... Anywho! So I was sitting there on the rocking train... I realised I hadn't... gone... for the day... and all that food and bike riding... got stuff moving... so I thought... what the heck I'm stuck on here anyway! But pooping on a train is a lot harder than you think... no it's not the small space.. Though feeling slightly nauseated and claustrophobic doesn't help... It's the seats just two feet away from your throne.. When I sat down... it wasn't so bad.. nobody was there... But by the next stop that changed... so I could hear, someone whistling... people giggling... and then the bustle of people getting on and off the train... I must tell you! It is really hard to perform under such pressure! Like really hard! So after 3 of my 5 stops... I managed to do my business... I usually enjoy the relief of it all leaving my body... but I so did not enjoy that! When I walked out, the laughing couple who... probably didn’t know I was in there, since I had been in there since before they got on... and they had been on for like 10 minutes... looked awkwardly at me... and I felt even more awkward then they could have ever felt! I exited the car stage left and entered into a new car... one that didn't know I had just spent the last 20 minutes hiding out slash doing my business in the tiny WC!
I met up with Tess in our usual spot in the station, at the Pain Bread shop.... Yes Pain... funny huh? We then went to the usual theater... and as usual... we got there at a most inconvient time... and nothing we really wanted to see would be playing for another hour... or had just started... But I being the dorky girl I am... and in need of some just dumb joy! Suggested we see Wild Child and then... it would be done with enough time to hop over to theater 1 for some Steve Carrel and... What’s that movie called... oh it was so good! Oh! Get Smart! Anyway! So that's what we did! Which don't fret! This is a usual routine for us... or I suppose... fret! This is a usual routine for us! But the tickets cost $15 and the theater is like a 15 theater cinema... so it's so easy to do! The movies were both so great! And we couldn’t have timed it any better! Once the credits began to roll on Wild Child we hopped over to theater 1... and Get Smart was just starting! Thank goodness the movies always start late here! Always!
So after the movie... we went to McDonalds to get some fries and a drink... well originally we were gonna get some ice cream... but then we decided against it...and just went for soda's and fries.... Well we ordered and the guy taking our order was a total douche! I asked him for a bag for the fries... and he gave us this giant bag then proceeded to put our drinks in a bag as well! And he wasn't just being helpful he was being a bit of a douche.. Well he gave us our stuff... then started to talk to the guy next to him... Tess had her money out.. and he didn’t take it... so we both just looked at each other... and walked out the door... Well he started calling after us... we just kept walking... but then I just had to stop... so we stopped and he was like you didn’t pay... and I was like... oh well I thought you were done with us... Whatever!
So we caught our trains and went home... But by the time I got to the train station.. It was 1230 am and rainy... so I opted for the bus... As I waited for the bus I read my book, yes I have finally started the last Harry Potter book... my emotions of the last book have settled... I've read 2 other books since... so yes I think I can handle it! Yeah so 20 minutes later when the last train rolled up... I was the only one to get on... The bud driver opened the door and said "Geode Naught, levered” which I know is so spelled wrong... but he said "Good Evening Sweetheart" He was a 30 something Moroccan... Which for anyone who's worked at Disney, that's all I need to say... But he was quite nice asked me where I was going.. And let me get on the bus... free of charge! Wahoo! I took a seat and we waited for the 2 minutes till he could leave... no one else got on... During the 2 minutes he asked me about my book... and where I was from... what I was doing here... the usual... then we drove off... Sometimes when I get on the bus like this... I wonder if I would have been safer on the bike! But he really did seem harmless... So anyway.. The whole way he talked to me and asked me questions... I wanted to read my book... but... I didn't really mind talking to him... We picked up a guy.. Who was obviously a bit tipsy... He talked with us a little.. but not much at all... drunk.... Then when it was time for him to get off the bus the bus driver offered to drop him off wherever he wanted... instead of just at the bus stop... so he dropped him off in the middle of the street! haha! My stop was only 2 more stops away... The bus driver said he was a nice guy... and he always liked to drop people off closer to their stops... so said he'd do the same for me... I was glad... cause I hate it... my house in right between the 2 stops... so it's kinda annoying... When I got off he told me I was so beautiful... then he asked to shake my hand.. I let him.. then he asked to kiss my hand.. whatever.. I let him... then he asked for a kiss... I was feeling friendly! What the heck! So I leaned in to give him a nice peck on the cheek! He moved in for a kiss on the mouth! I manoeuvred and missed kissing his lips! haha! I got off the bus... He said he could tell I was such a wonderful person.. blah blah blah... and he asked me to come give him a hug... I giggled sweetly and said no... YEAH RIGHT! I wasn't gonna get back on that bus! He shrugged waved goodbye.. and drove off! As my umbrella broke! haha! I just couldn't help but laugh! It was all so funny! Don't worry! I was ok! Made it to my house ok...and went to sleep! So yeah... there's my really really long blog... you guys haven’t had a good Becky Blog in a while! So I hope you enjoyed it!
I love the strange happenings of Amsterdam!
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